
Pacific Orca Sea Fastening

Written by Semco Maritime | May 28, 2015 10:00:00 PM

Pacific Orca Sea Fastening

Customer: Bilfinger Marine & Offshore Systems
End Customer: Vattenfall
Location: Esbjerg, Denmark
Period: 2015

Construction and installation of 342 tons of sea fastening and handling equipment on board the installation vessel Pacific Orca. Construction was carried out at Semco MaritimeĀ“s facilities in Esbjerg whereas installation was made at the quayside. The sea fastening equipment was used for the installation of monopiles at the Sandbank wind farm.

Competences and systems
  • Project management
  • Installation on board vessel and fabrication acceptance test (FAT)
  • Steel construction
  • Installation of hydraulic systems
  • Positive feedback from customer
  • Complete project delivered on time
  • Completed without any lost-time incidents (LTIs) or safety issues
  • Optimised the execution phase by maintaining a strong focus on efficiency and downtime