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Semco Maritime
Esbjerg Brygge 30
DK- 6700 Esbjerg

Pacific Orca Sea Fastening

Customer: Bilfinger Marine & Offshore Systems
End Customer: Vattenfall
Location: Esbjerg, Denmark
Period: 2015

Construction and installation of 342 tons of sea fastening and handling equipment on board the installation vessel Pacific Orca. Construction was carried out at Semco Maritime´s facilities in Esbjerg whereas installation was made at the quayside. The sea fastening equipment was used for the installation of monopiles at the Sandbank wind farm.

Competences and systems
  • Project management
  • Installation on board vessel and fabrication acceptance test (FAT)
  • Steel construction
  • Installation of hydraulic systems
  • Positive feedback from customer
  • Complete project delivered on time
  • Completed without any lost-time incidents (LTIs) or safety issues
  • Optimised the execution phase by maintaining a strong focus on efficiency and downtime