A pilot project aims to enable CO2 storage from 2025 and pave the way for realising the political ambition of storing 4-8 mill tonnes of CO2 annually from 2030.
Semco Maritime has joined more than 25 companies in the Greensand consortium, which is lead by INEOS Oil & Gas Denmark and Wintershall DEA with a common target of completing a pilot project, which will demonstrate the great opportunities of capturing, transporting and storing CO2 in a safe and environmentally friendly way in depleted oil reservoirs in the Nini field more than 1,500 metres into the subsoil. In September, the consortium will apply for EUDP aid to complete the pilot project from 2022.
“We are proud of participating in the Greensand consortium and this ambitious project, which can become paramount to ensuring that Denmark reaches the political target of cutting CO2 emissions by 70% in 2030 compared to the 1990 level. We are pleased that Semco Maritime’s competencies and year-long experience from the Oil & Gas division can be applied to enable our skilled employees to work alongside the other consortium partners on making good use of the inactive platforms and depleted oil fields to the benefit of the green transition,” says Senior Vice President, Semco Maritime Oil & Gas, Anders Benfeldt.
As a decisive part of the project, Semco Maritime is tasked with designing, procuring, fabricating and installing the unit, which will efficiently transfer the captured CO2 from a transport vessel to the inactive platforms and further into the depleted oil wells. Based on the Group’s experience from the Oil & Gas division, Semco Maritime has prepared the concept, which will be developed and installed in the next phase of the pilot project.
“Building a strong profile and deep competencies within capture, transport and storage of CO2 while establishing a close strategic partnership with other leaders in this area will strengthen Semco Maritime’s position in a market with a vast commercial potential and contribute to the Group’s strategic ambition of driving the green transition,” says Anders Benfeldt.
Please see Greensand’s project description and visit https://greensandfuture.com/.
For further information, please contact: Anders Benfeldt, Senior Vice President, Semco Maritime Oil & Gas, +45 40 13 80 97