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Semco Maritime
Esbjerg Brygge 30
DK- 6700 Esbjerg






Working at heights

With the right team of people and the right scaffolding equipment - all locations and all heights can be accessed safely!

The very best solution is also

Easy, quick and SAFE!

Our scaffolding team has more than 30 years of experience with both onshore and offshore work. We always deliver the best, safest and fastest solution regardless of the task and challenge.

Due to our many years of experience, we work quickly and safely, thus making sure that you will be able to work at heights without any risks. We collaborate and work closely together with our suppliers Haki Universal Alu and Alustar to provide the very best material and service to our customers.

Our team covers all types of areas: Covering/total covering, QuickDeck, Suspended scaffolding over sea/side, Helideck, Derrik on rigs, and Platforms for stairwells etc. as well as the other areas shown in the figure.

Temporary site facilities

Scaffold tent

We recently assisted a client who needed a site setup that included temporary mobile offices, storage facilities and a large scaffolding tent to create a weatherproof environment.

Watch us erect a huge tent at Esbjerg Harbour. The result is an impressive 20 x 24 meters of working space with a free working height of 12 meters inside the tent.

Suspended scaffolding


Our suspended scaffolding system has been used for different bridges to ensure that the bridge is still functioning even with scaffolding. The installation process of this can be seen here.
Quick, easy and safe access


The SkyClimber system is unique because it can be used when working inside for example rig legs, silos and other difficult-to-reach areas. We often use SkyClimbers for the jack-up legs to provide quick, easy and safe access.

All sizes of scaffolding projects

Our scaffolding team also works with onshore façade scaffolding, scaffolding around towers, and other smaller and more general scaffolding projects to ensure safe access to high places.

We are already doing it ...

Scaffolding around and inside the legs of a giant rig

On this specific project, we had to build 400 tons of scaffolding around each of the legs of a rig and cover the legs with an offshore net for protection from the weather while the legs were repainted.

In this case, we also used SkyClimbers for easier access to work on the inside of the legs of the rig.

Get in touch!

Our experienced scaffolding specialists are always available to discuss the best solutions for your specific project:

Michael Szesny Bertelsen

Team Leader, Scaffolding

mib blue

Semco Maritime A/S
Esbjerg Brygge 30
6700 Esbjerg

Esbjerg, Denmark

Head office

contact information

Semco Maritime A/S
Esbjerg Brygge 30
6700 Esbjerg

CVR no. DK 2549 0762

REX-no. DKREX170591191
EORI no. DK25490762