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General enquiries
Tel. +45 7916 6666


Semco Maritime
Esbjerg Brygge 30
DK- 6700 Esbjerg

Honesty, fairness and transparency


We are committed to the highest standards of integrity, honesty and fairness in all internal and external relationships, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws.


We launched our new whistle-blower portal today, 20 December 2021, in compliance with the EUC Directive 2019/1937.

Our whistle-blower arrangement allows employees to raise a concern about a potential criminal act and/or other serious risk that could threaten the Semco Maritime Group of Companies or any of its employees.

Being an early warning system, whistle-blowing can help alert employers about risks related to e.g.:

  • Criminal offences like overcharging, fraud, bribery, forgery and similar
  • Other issues related to accounting, internal control and/or corruption
The arrangement shall allow Semco Maritime Group employees and others associated with the Semco Maritime Group, e.g. existing and former partners and former employees, to report risks that may conflict with Semco Maritime Group policies or current legislation.

The new 2021 Semco Maritime whistle-blower arrangement meets the requirements of the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and will be provided by a S-a-a-S (Software-as-a-Service) platform hosted by Got Ethics, a secure third-party software provider.

The new arrangement is based on a third-party digital solution. It will still be possible for you through this system to report by written message, spoken message, pictures or other means. Furthermore, the system allows for you to stay anonymous and still discuss the matter further with the dedicated whistle-blower officer.

We recommend external business partners to report to their contacts in the Semco Maritime Group or to contacts’ immediate superiors, should they observe any non-compliance. Find your contact at the bottom of this page.

Code of conduct

Download our Code of Conduct to understand how we do business!

The purpose of this code of conduct is to ensure that Semco Maritime A/S and our partners, suppliers and stakeholders operate in accordance with internationally recognised minimum of standards on human rights, labour and the environment. Semco Maritime adheres to the principles of this code and expects the same of its partners, suppliers and stakeholders.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We support the UN global compact principles and expect out stakeholders and suppliers to comply.

We are ready to answer
all your questions:

Esbjerg, Denmark

Head office

contact information

Semco Maritime A/S
Esbjerg Brygge 30
6700 Esbjerg

CVR no. DK 2549 0762

REX-no. DKREX170591191
EORI no. DK25490762