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Maersk Guardian – Accommodation Module

Customer: Maersk Drilling
Location: Port of Frederikshavn
Period: 2016

The project included the conversion of the Maersk Guardian drilling rig (1986) into an accommodation rig. The accommodation module was constructed in Gdansk in Poland, skidded on to a barge and transported to Frederikshavn in Denmark for installation.

Competences and systems
  • Project management
  • Logistics
  • Fabrication of steel structures
  • Architectural outfitting and insulation
  • Plumbing incl. drains, hot/cold water and sprinkler system
  • E/I including electrical installations, PA/GA, infotainment systems, fire and smoke detection and fibre network
  • HVAC stand-alone plant including AHU units
  • Elevator
  • The complete fully installed and commissioned module was handed over to and accepted by the client one day ahead of schedule
  • The construction work took 9 weeks