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Tel. +45 7916 6666


Semco Maritime
Esbjerg Brygge 30
DK- 6700 Esbjerg

Semco Maritime Norway

Local needs, local solutions and local people!

Semco Maritime is your partner in Norway for hiring offshore
personnel and manpower, for yard stays
and operation & maintenance jobs!

You will find us in Stavanger and at Hanøytangen, Bergen.

Largest supplier of manpower and offshore personnel in Norway

... with the goal of making administration, recruitment and handling easy and hassle-free for you!

An external manpower and offshore personnel pool solution could be the alternative that eases planning, coordination and recruitment of your offshore crew or rig crew. 

Our pool of experienced and skilled people are ready to support your projects or operations from today. Everyone has been trained in the health and safety standards of the offshore oil and gas industry.

Europe's largest dry dock:

Hanøytangen, Bergen

We offer you a safe and well placed yard and harbour  - naturally sheltered on the west coast of Askøy! The facility includes one of Europe's largest dry docks, good access to the sea, good communication to important locations and the yard is well-equipped with regards to technical and physical facilities.

In the video below, you see Deepsea Stavanger in our dry dock - with thrusters on.

Inspection, repair and maintenance service

The Semco Maritime yard at Hanøytangen is located close to the North Sea and 30 kilometers from the city of Bergen. The industrial purpose area covers 160.000 m² and it has the largest dry-dock facility in Northern Europe, along with excellent quays with depths up to 90 meters.

The yard includes extensive office facilities and an accommodation camp with 356 single rooms. Semco Maritime cooperates with a number of companies in the nearby area companies that specialize in handling the full spectrum of offshore-related projects.

Telecommunication and firefighting systems

After more than 40 years in the offshore industry, we understand the challenges involved in operating in remote locations and harsh environments.

Therefore, you can trust us to deliver reliable telecommunication and firefighting systems and solutions to offshore and onshore projects around the worlds.

Sustainability and "turning green"

From Oil & Gas to Renewables

In 2001, Semco Maritime ventured into the offshore wind industry and is now also a well-known »world leader in offshore substations«. Since then we have provided competitive turnkey offshore wind electrical infrastructure solutions for more than 20 offshore substation projects. In the years to come, this experience will also be applied to the developing offshore wind markets in both Taiwan and the US.

In the years to come, Norway will also focus on developing sustainable solutions for our customers to limit the impact on the environment.

Looking forward, our main focus and challenge, is to contribute to- and increase our presence within the green part of the energy sector. This does not mean that we are leaving the oil and gas industry behind, but our primary focus will be on developing sustainable solutions.

So, what does that mean? For example it could involve the implementation of hybrid solutions on today’s offshore rigs, energy storage, assembly and production for floating windfarms, test-centre facility for wind technology, remote solutions for maintenance and service tasks on wind farms in operations among other things ...

The Norwegian Transparency Act reporting 2023

This report accounts for the due diligence carried out by Semco Maritime according to the Norwegian Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven). The report is only available in Norwegian.

Learn more about how we can support your business:

Call your local contact person- we speak both English and Norwegian!

Thor Andre Askildsen

Manager HSSEQ

contact information

Semco Maritime AS
Hanøytangen 130
5310 Hauglandshella

Frid Kuraas

Manager, HR

contact information

Semco Maritime AS
Hanøytangen 130
5310 Hauglandshella

Rannveig Nordtømme Noraberg

Finance Manager

contact information

Semco Maritime AS
Hanøytangen 130
5310 Hauglandshella

Tor Erik Christoffersen

Managing Director, Rig & Marine

contact information

Semco Maritime AS
Hanøytangen 130
5310 Hauglandshella

Simon Wall

Sales & Business Development Director

contact information

Semco Maritime AS
Hanøytangen 130
5310 Hauglandshella