Pillar 3: Safe and responsible business
The third pillar of our sustainability strategy relates to being a safe and responsible business.
Semco Maritime has been a member of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) since 2007 and its 10 principles (related to Human Rights, Labour Rights, Environment and Anti-Corruption) inform our business practices and our Code of Conduct. We expect our suppliers to adhere to the principles of our Code of Conduct and the UNGC.
As an international company operating in multiple geographical locations and employing people of different cultures and nationalities, it is important to us to be a responsible and ethical employer. We see diversity as a strength and do not discriminate on any basis (nationality, ethnic origin, sexual or political orientation, religious belief, gender or age). We do not interfere with the formation of trade unions or other associations in the workplace. Nor do we discriminate on the basis of trade union association.
To be an employer of choice, our focus is to attract talented people into a progressive workplace, where they can be nurtured to achieve their full potential. This will be founded on transparent equal opportunities and focusing on development based on merit and potential. In 2021, Semco Maritime Ltd. published the first Pay Gap report. This report helps to pave the way to ensuring that we are a fully inclusive company, and committed to providing equal opportunities for all.
Click here to open the latest Pay Gap Report.
Safety is a core value for Semco Maritime, and we live by the motto “Safety is part of our DNA.” Health and Safety are core elements of our daily operations, and we are proud of our track record in safety.
We aim to provide an attractive work environment, with focus on both the physical and mental wellbeing of our employees (we are proud to have an in-house counsellor) as well as both personal and professional development.
Running a stable and profitable business is also an important element of our sustainability strategy, so that we can provide stability for our employees and invest in new technologies that can contribute to sustainable development and create positive impacts.
We use risk assessment tools in all of our projects to protect our employees and our company as a whole.
The safe and responsible business focus area of our strategy contributes to SDG #5, Gender Equality and SDG #8, Decent Work and Economic Growth.